Camp ASCCA Prom

Perhaps the most anticipated event throughout the entire summer of ASCCA is Prom. Campers dress up in elegant clothes, get their picture taken in front of a snazzy back drop, and dance to a live band. This year’s Prom was yet another success!

This year’s theme was “Suit & Tie”. The windows and doors were decked out in black to hide the surprise of the decorations/setup. With fancy lights, drapes, and curtains everywhere, it certainly fit the theme.

The music was provided by Route 66, a local cover band who has been performing at ASCCA’s Prom for several years now. They covered many classic rock tunes! You could tell by how the campers boogied and got down!

The night ended with the weekly slideshow and night lights. The campers were out of breath from all of the fun they experienced. Prom is always a magical time, but ASCCA’s prom is even more special.

Check out the back drop photos and other great photos on Flickr!

– Clayton Smith, PR

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