Summer Health Tips from Nurse Joe

I hope everyone had a great winter. Here at Camp ASCCA, we are busy getting ready for an awesome summer for our campers.
Now, most people think the main job for nurses is to help people get well. A good nurse’s real job is to keep you well! Here are a few tips for dealing with the summer weather from our professional staff. They have tons of experience with summer weather:

· Cover up! The Alabama sun wants you. Find a fashionable floppy hat, and long sleeved, loose shirt. Use a good sun block, with a Skin Protection Factor of at least 30. Check the expiration date on your sun block. Remember, you can burn even on cloudy days. It is good to avoid sunburn at all costs. Did you know your chances of getting skin cancer go way up if you burn or tan frequently while you are young? Apply sun block often if you are having fun at the beach or pool. Avoid the tanning bed. Use the money you save to buy chocolate for nurses.

· Obey your thirst. Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion, dehydration, and deadly heat stroke often do not show until it is too late. Go inside to the air conditioning right away if you do not feel well. Take frequent sips of water until you feel better. A common heat management mistake is to drink too much. This can lead to a condition called hyponatremia, or, low sodium, and makes it harder for your heart to beat. Not good! So, if you are thirsty, be sure to drink, but, be reasonable. Water is best. Sports drinks are okay, but can be loaded with calories. You don’t want a big belly like Nurse Joe’s, do you?

· A summer cold or other illness can ruin your vacation. The best preventative is . . . drum roll, please . . . wash your hands! This works better than any medicine. Wash your hands frequently when you come to camp. Hand sanitizer is good, but hand washing is best. Avoid sick people, if you can. Take a shower every day, if you can, even if you are sick. You’ll get well faster.

Of course, if you do not feel well while at Camp ASCCA, just tell your counselor, and he or she will take you to the nurses. We’ll give you lots of TLC, and get you going again. I can hardly wait to see all my old friends from last summer, and to make new friends. See you soon!

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