Summer Nights

The first full day of camp has been nothing but great! All of the campers entered the dining hall with smiling faces this morning for breakfast and that always carries to other people and starts the day off great!

After breakfast, the day started off with normal activity periods and instead of the campers just doing two activity periods, they got to enjoy four today! After supper it was time again for the pool party of the week. We had a pool party last night also. The groups that got to enjoy the pool party last night got to enjoy the “blob hunt” that is a new favorite here at camp. The campers split up into cabins and go around camp looking for “blobs” which are really program staff covered in sheets. The campers have to ask the “blob” 3 questions to try to find out who they are but the catch is they have to be questions that can be answered in yes and no form.

Tomorrow is another fun filled day here at camp and all of the campers are already excited about it. Make sure you check out our Flickr page for pictures of activities everyday!

-Abby Brown

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