Summer Nights

It’s the end of session seven and with that a long and very enjoyable Camp ASCCA summer.

It’s the people I have had the opportunity to know each week and through the course of the summer that has made camp what it is. This would be impossible without them.

It’s the smiling faces, the hugs, the jokes, the tears, the laughter, and the love that is so contagious around here. You can’t help know you are with family. This place is home to many.

Thursday nights have been my favorite all summer and the hardest. After the dance and slide show, we sing the goodnight song for the last time each week. I can’t help but tear up, not out of heartache but joy of having made new friends. I am so thankful for all the experiences I have had this summer that will forever impact my heart.

Goodbyes are always the hardest; so instead, until next time Camp ASCCA. Thanks for a great summer.

Erica Loyd
Session seven

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