This morning we were joined by staff members from the East Alabama Medical Center for Camp Ignite, a day of new challenges, team building, and ASCCA group elements. Everyone was divided into groups by the color of their t-shirt for the day. Before any strenuous activities began, everyone gathered in the pavilion for a time of fun and performance from each group, and a few games with Camp Director Matt Rickman and Program Director Amber Cotney.

Once everyone began to loosen up and get to know everyone around them, we headed out to group elements. As many of the EAMC members approached each activity, they began to question if they could make it work and get everyone on their team where they needed to be within the set guidelines. However, similar to the hospital environment, there was always one or two people who did not fear communication and would lead their team through to the end. When an obstacle was met, each team worked very hard to conquer it by listening to everyone’s ideas and working together.

This year’s Camp Ignite t-shirt carries the design of a campground surrounded by a specific list of words that describes the goal of today’s activities. Negotiate, inspire, teamwork, engaged, initiative, and goal-oriented, are the words that the East Alabama Medical Center operates off of and wants their employees to strive for each day.

We’ve had an exciting day with the East Alabama Medical Center team and are excited for the things to come as they carry out today’s team building into their everyday activities!
Check out more pictures from our time with the EAMC here!