Teen Week Lip Sync!

Last night Teen Week Cabins faced-off in an ultimate Lip Sync Challenge! Cabins were pitted with the task to choose the most hoppin’ music, props, costumes, and most importantly…to bring the fun!! Up for the title were: Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Moundville, Red Stick, Crow, Cheaha, and Choctaw.

All cabins came with their most fierce game faces, but only one performance could reign supreme! The Camp ASCCA nurses, who served as our lovely judges, narrowed it down to two cabins — Crow and Cherokee… and there is only one way to break a tie here at camp… DANCE-OFF!!! The cabins in a tie for first chose two representatives to whip and nay nay their way into a victory!! After much serious deliberation, cabin…drum roll please… CROW was named Lip Sync Champs! Congratulations to Crow for their excellent rendition of Gangham Style and for breaking it doooowwwwn at the dance-off!

Group performances were followed by select individual performances by some of our very talented campers.

Find more photos of tonight’s get-down on Flickr.

Over and Out!

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 3: 2015

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