The 2011 Camp ASCCA Referral Contest

This year to we’re asking YOUformer/current staff, volunteers, alumni, camper parents, and all other friends of Camp ASCCA-to help us recruit both campers and staff for Summer 2011.

And to make it a little more fun and competitive, we’re turning this recruitment challenge into a contest. So if you refer a camper or staff to us in the next two months, you’ll be entered into a contest to win a fabulous Camp ASCCA prize.

Here are the rules:

  1. Your name must be included on the “How did you hear about Camp ASCCA” Line of the application (for both campers and staff).
  2. If you refer someone as a potential staff member they must be hired to count.
  3. ALL campers referred will be counted regardless of whether they are accepted or put on a wait list, ect.
  4. The person with the most referrals will win, so the more people you refer to us, the better the chance you’ll win!
  5. The contest will end March 31st, so your referrals must be in by then to be counted.

We are especially in need of MALE staff and FEMALE campers.

You can find the Camper Application HERE.

And the Staff Application HERE.

Remember when referring campers there is Campership money available, so even if the camper you refer cannot afford the full camper fee, we can still help them find a way to get to Camp ASCCA!

The winner will be announced the first week of April, so be sure to check back with us then to find out who wins!

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