The Best Nights End With a Dance

As Session 4 comes to an end, there’s no better way to end it than with a dance. Each Thursday after dinner and awards, we have a dance for the campers and staff to enjoy some time together. The dance is the perfect place to dance with your best friend from that week, your counselor, or as many do, your camp crush. No matter who you are dancing with, you are having a great time.

There are a few things that I love most about the dances. One of them is seeing a camper come out of his or her shell. Last night there was a camper that throughout the week, I have not seen him be very active with other campers, and he had kind of stuck to himself. That was not the case at all during the dance. He was dancing with his crush, and when it came to a big group dancing together, he was in the middle of all of them dancing away.

Moments like this is what makes Camp ASCCA dance night so special. As we close Sessio 4 and look back to Sunday when the campers arrived, all I can think about are the smiles, friendships made, and memories that will stay with us forever. Session 4 was special, and I can’t wait to see what Session 5 brings us.

To see more pictures from last night’s dance, visit our Flickr page and do not forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all news about Camp.

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