The Camp ASCCA Games

Sometimes, heavy rain can ruin the fun for people looking to enjoy the outdoors during the summer. It can also dampen the mood.

But it doesn’t happen at Camp ASCCA, because we find ways to still brigthen camper’s day, espeically in bad weather. On Tuesday afternoon, program staff members came together and created the Camp ASCCA Games, where cabins competed against each other for pride and the love for fun activities. Campers played games such as bullseye bowling, pool, and tic-tac toe.

Watch the following video to see clips of the impromptu afternoon session; you may also see clips of random clips of campers and counselors enjoying themeselves. The video is also on Youtube.

Pictures from the Camp ASCCA Games will be in the Session Four album, which it’s in the Flickr page.

T.J. Gordon
Session 4

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