The Camp ASCCA Life

“Our minds are as different as our face: we are all traveling to one destination – happiness; but few are going by the same road.”

-Charles Caleb Colton

When I read this quote I think about the long drive down Camp ASCCA road and how it leads to a place that brings so much joy to so many people. Here at camp we live life the way it should be lived, full of love and laughter; where everyone is seen for who they are and not just what meets the eye.

We live in a world that looks into the mirror daily and gives their best attempt to reflect the image that society has established. We define our worth by how we are seen through society’s eyes. We want to wear the right clothes, have the right job and be seen as the best. This cultivated way of thinking makes us self-conscious about the way we look and we constantly second guess our abilities.

Now, I want you to stop thinking about yourself and put yourself into the shoes of someone that is labeled as “disabled.” It is even harder for them to fit in or feel normal because as a society we are blinded by the idea that everything has to look perfect to be worthy. We can’t see past their disability, prosthetic or the wheelchair they are in to see them for their true self. We forget that they are just like us. They have favorite sports, hobbies and want to fit in, just like everyone else.

That is why Camp ASCCA is such a special place to so many. For one week each summer, they are normal and get to do normal activities with their friends. Here at camp we play games, go horseback riding, zip-lining, tubing and did I mention we have a POOL! All of these things make for an exciting and memorable week with fun adventures to share when they go back home.

When campers leave our hope as a staff is that they can see they really aren’t that different from everyone else and that they not only have life, but can live life to the fullest.

-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015

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