Card and domino games brought out the competitive side out of some of some of our campers this afternoon! The free-choice activity was hosted by program staff employees Isabel and Mary at the Dining Hall. They set up several tables with a variety of cards and dominoes. After rest period and a quick snack, campers and counselors filled part of the Dining Hall ready to dominate in some games!
The card game War was the most popular amongst our campers. A deck of cards is divided between two people face down. Both players flip a card and the person who drew the card with the higher value wins that round. The person that wins gets to keep the pair of cards from that round. The game consists of these steps repeated until the players are left without any cards. The person that wins the most rounds wins the overall game.

Campers also loved the dominoes! Each player was handed seven dominoes to start off the game and were to keep them out of sight of their opponents. Everyone looks at their dominoes and the person with the highest pair (six-six) puts his/hers down and the game begins! Each player must match one of the dominoes on the chain. The player that gets rid of all of their dominoes first wins the round!

Camp activities tend to be filled with physical activity so campers enjoyed kicking back and relaxing with their counselors, cards, and some dominoes. Be sure to check out our Flickr page to see more of the Camp ASCCA fun!
Karla Silva, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 2