The Final ASCCA Awards of Summer 2018

Session 7 has officially come to a close, and it is hard to believe that the 42nd ASCCA summer is over. Every week, we celebrate the campers who attend, and many campers receive awards that are chosen by program staff and their peers. We had a smaller number of campers this week, and we were joined by our friends from the Alabama Head Injury Foundation and their buddies.

Since the group was smaller this week, ASCCA staff and our friends from AHIF voted on two awards, Best ASCCA Camper and Best AHIF Camper. Session 7 is often a harder week to vote on because a smaller group means you have the chance to become that much closer with the campers who are here. How do you choose? Once the votes were counted and the awards printed, it was time for Camp Director Matt Rickman to present them this morning at breakfast.

This week’s Best ASCCA Camper went to Ms. Joan Smith, and many of us were not surprised because of her fun personality and electric energy at programs. The Best AHIF Camper award went to Jonathan Clower, and he was thrilled when he heard his name. He has a smile that will catch you every time and is always pumped up at activities. Receiving the award was an exciting moment because he got to share it with his AHIF friends and a few of our staff members who he has known for many years.

Joan Smith 2018 Jonathan Clower 2018

As Matt Rickman would say, “Let’s give it up for all our ASCCA achievers!” We are so thankful for each person who has the opportunity to attend Camp ASCCA, and this week’s crew was unforgettable.

You can see more moments from the week by visiting our Flickr page and following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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