-Albus Dumbledore
Welcome to the Magical World of Sports Camp!
This morning Sports Camp learned how to play wheelchair Quidditch.
Magical World of Camp ASCCA!
Quidditich has become a very popular game to play. Over 200 colleges and universities have club teams that play Quidditch. In 2005, Xander Manshel a freshman at Middlebury College came up with the idea of playing Quidditch with his friends on Sunday afternoons and it continues to develop as a sport. In 2007 they held they first Quidditch World Cup game and there is an International Quidditch Association. In 2011, Arfy Papadam founded ‘Wheelchair Quidditch Australia’ after seeing videos online.
Sports camp has had loads of fun playing Quidditch today. The way that we have been playing:
Each side of the gym has 3 rings (3 hula hoops) and a basketball goal
Each team has 6 players and 1 keeper
1 Golden Snitch
The is a gold ball that if thrown and made into the basketball goal that team receives 150 points or if it is made in one of the other 3 rings then the team receives 5 points.
1 Quaffle
The quaffle is a volleyball that has to be passed from team member to team member and then thrown into one of the 3 goals to receive points.
1 Bludger
The bludger is a Giant dodge ball used to disrupt the play of the game, If you get hit by the bludger you have to drop the quaffle where you are and the other team gets position of the quaffle.
Oh and of course Harry Potter background music to get everyone in the Quidditch mood!

Check out all the memories being made and more information about Camp ASCCA and it’s staff on Camp ASCCA’s website, ASCCA’s Flickr, Instagram (@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.
Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2016