Campers ended the last night of Session 4 with the biggest Monster Ball Camp ASCCA has ever seen! Everyone showed up in their best monster costumes, dressed as Minions, Thing 1 and Thing 2, Mike Wazowski, Sulley and more.
Earlier in the day we experienced a brief thunderstorm which worked in our favor and gave everyone extra time to get ready for dinner and the dance. Counselors helped with face paint, hair and other fun decorations that helped bring their campers’ costume together. Some of the counselors even joined in on the festivities and had fun costumes of their own as well!

Once everyone filled their bellies with the delicious food at dinner and awards of the week were given out, it was time to party! Everyone conversed on the deck of the Dining Hall while members of the Program Staff set everything up inside. Campers and counselors posed for pictures, and everyone admired and complimented each other’s outfits for the night. Outdoor Education Director Cody Graham was on the 1’s and 2’s, keeping everyone on the danc floor all night long.
After the epic Monster’s Ball and night medicines were distributed everyone gathered around for the Session 4 slideshow created by members of the PR staff! Every week we save this for the finale. Eyes fill with tears as everyone relives all the awesome memories from the week’s activities. It’s great to look back and see how the campers and counselors have grown and bonded over the week.

Even though the time has come for everyone to part ways, we always remember that “Camp ASCCA and all out friends will live within our hearts.” To see all the Session 4 excitement, check out Flickr,Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 4