The Perfect Party

With our first full day of Session 5 in the books, I can confidently say it is going to be a great week. Yesterday was a little different then days in the past here at Camp as we had four program rotations instead of the usual two rotations. It is safe to say that by dinner time, everyone was ready to relax.

Just like Sunday night, after dinner the cabins split up and half went to the pool for a party while the others went on to do some free choice activities. Those who went to the pool were fortunate because nothing is more relaxing than hanging out in the pool. I got lucky and got to visit the pool last night to see the campers relaxing and swimming around.

Pool parties are so great because it allows the campers to do what they want in the pool. Some like to float around in the tube, others like to play basketball, and some just simply enjoy splashing around with their friends. Last night’s pool party was very memorable, and everyone was having a fantastic time.

To check out pictures from yesterday and the pool party be sure to check out our Flickr page. Make sure to visit our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all news about Camp.

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