The second day of staff orientation started out loud and clear for Camp ASCCA staff with camp songs and then the traditional flag raising. During the 7:50am flag raising process, there must be a quote, joke, prayer, and a salute to the flag. Yesterday morning, program staff did the flag raising, and each morning, there will be different groups. We then went for a delicious breakfast in the dining hall followed by an in depth explanation of the policies and procedures in the Dunn Center. This was so the counselors, SCITs, and PSITs ,whether old or new, completely understood how camp functions.

Later on that morning, Head Nurse Abbey led a session on first aid, emergencies, radios, etc. They also learned proper fire procedures and search and rescue methods, so that the entire staff is ready for practically any situation during their weeks here. After we devoured our chicken sandwiches for lunch, it was back to the books with Wheelchair 101 taught by the leadership staff. We learned everything from transferring and lifting to wheelchair etiquette.
Towards the end of the day, we were graced with the appearance of Alumni of Camp ASCCA Bob Kuykendall. He was a counselor at Camp ASCCA thirty years ago, and now, his daughter is a counselor. We then ended the day with a very nice chicken alfredo meal while getting to know our fellow staff members before we divided into teams for Staff Olympics which will be later tonight. The second day of orientation was a success and we can’t wait to conquer the third day!
Be sure to check out our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for news about this week’s training session as we prepare for another great summer here at Camp ASCCA.