Time Capsule Project

Camp ASCCA is throwing it back old school for Session 2: 2015 with a “Decades” theme. Tie-dye and decades music abound! To go with this theme, the Nature Program has created a unique Time Capsule project that campers are adding to daily. The time capsule will be buried on site and will not be opened again for a whole 10 years. (2025!!)

Campers attending Nature today painted their hands and impressed them on construction paper with their personal advice for future campers. Advice included anything from, “Always wear sunscreen,” to “You will love the zip-line if you try it!” We know future campers will so enjoy hearing the wise words of their predecessors.

As the week continues other small projects will be added to the Time Capsule. Keep up with new additions on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page!

Over and Out!

Lauren Schifano, PR

Session 2: 2015


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