Tuscaloosa Morning Rotary Club Foundation Donates $1,450 to ASCCA Campership Fund

Throughout the year, we are supported by a variety of organizations from around the state. This morning, Director of Marketing and Communications Dana Rickman visited the Tuscaloosa Morning Rotary Club Foundation after receiving an invitation from past Camp ASCCA Board Member Georgia Buettner who is also a Rotarian in Tuscaloosa. Dana is pictured above with Foundation Chair Michael Ford.

At the event, Camp was presented with a check for $1,450. That’s two whole camperships! The Foundation also gave over $30,000 to 14 agencies and the Rotary International Foundation to help in their effort to end polio worldwide. Today and every day, we say thank you to groups like the Tuscaloosa Morning Rotary Club Foundation for supporting everything we do here because our summers would not be the same without them.

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