UNA HPER Students Visit Summer Camp for Disabled

Story by Elise Cofield, student intern
UNA Magazine, Fall 2012
Photos by Shannon Wells (’05)

HPER Students Visit Summer Camp for Disabled

Students in the Recreation for Special Populations elective course instructed by Prof. Mike Hall at the University of North Alabama experienced the unique, interactive atmosphere of Alabama’s Special Camp for Children and Adults as camp counselors on Alabama’s Lake Martin May 21 through May 24.

For 13 years, Hall has been taking his classes of 10 to 20 students to ASCCA to close out the May intersession course. ASCCA operates year-round, and, during the summer months, offers opportunities on its completely-accessible 230 acres for children and adults with any mental or physical disability to get active, especially in a way that encourages forming friendships while achieving individuality and independence. Hall has been involved with ASCCA for 20 years, and has served on the Board of Directors for several years… Read full story here.

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