UNA students hear from Graham Sisson in preparation for a week at camp

In preparation for the week’s adventures, Dr. Mike Hall arrived on Monday with a few of his students from the University of North Alabama, to discuss the week’s schedule for the Hall Foundation Camp and hear from several speakers who provide different perspectives on living with disabilities. Dr. Hall incorporates Camp into his curriculum for his Recreation for Special Populations class, and different students visit Camp every spring to volunteer and learn about everything that is offered for children and adults with disabilities at ASCCA.

Monday afternoon, the students heard from Dr. Graham Sisson, the Executive Director at the Governor’s Office On Disability (GOOD). Dr. Sisson is also the ADA Coordinator for the State of Alabama and spent much of the afternoon speaking with the UNA students about the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it is applied in everyday life. He also spent time with the students sharing with them about his life and how he has been a person with a disability since 1982 when he was in a head-on motor vehicle collision that paralyzed him below the waist. He took time to share his experiences since the accident and even showed them an image of himself before he was paralyzed. He was also one of the first people with a disability to take a ride on the ASCCA Zip Tower.

Today the students will hear from ASCCA Program Director Amber Cotney, who will be sharing information with them about Camp and why we do what we do! Stay tuned this week for more moments from the Charles and Isabel Hall Foundation Camp by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr.

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