Unforgettable Moments with Drake Middle School: Day 4

As the weather warmed back up today, the ASCCA staff prepared for another day of activities with sixth grade students from Auburn’s Drake Middle School. The students arrived with great energy and determination to get the day started. Once they reached the gym, everyone was split into their specific groups and headed out to their first program rotations of the day.

Today’s group of teachers brought their enthusiasm and encouraged the students to participate in as many activities as possible and treat every second as a learning opportunity. This morning, one group of students had a chance to see one of their classmates be transferred from his wheelchair and ride a zip line for the first time. Dressed in his harness and helmet, classmates cheered and watched him be hoisted into the air by the ASCCA adventure staff with a look of excitement on his face.

Student rides zipline for first time

He smiled from ear-to-ear as he rode the zip line with Camp Director Matt Rickman, and at the end of the ride, he shouted with excitement. It was a moment of pure joy for everyone involved, and the rest of the students began to gain a better understanding of the possibilities and opportunities that are offered to anyone that comes through the Camp ASCCA gates.

For the remainder of the day, students will continue to rotate through the day’s activities of swimming, playing kickball, canoeing, ziplining, riding the waterslide, and teambuilding at group elements. We hope that as the day rolls on, these students will continue to learn more about themselves and the opportunities they are offered in life to impact their school, families, and even the world around them. You can see more of our moments with Drake Middle School by visiting our Flickr page.

To learn more about how your school or organization can visit Camp ASCCA, contact Camp Director Matt Rickman at matt@campascca.org.

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