United Methodist Women’s Group

On April 16th, I enjoyed another opportunity to speak in my hometown of Camden! The United Methodist Women’s group held one of their District Conference events at the Camden United Methodist Church and asked that I speak on behalf of Camp ASCCA. This particular event focused on special needs awareness and services.

I was very proud to be part of this event and appreciate being invited. The UMW groups are very involved with service work both locally and nationwide. It was a pleasure sharing the story of Camp ASCCA with them. Also, my Mom was able to attend with me along with her sister, my Aunt Marion and my beloved Uncle Bobby’s sister, Lena Carol. It was a treat having them with me and I appreciate the UMW for such a special day.

I am available to speak for any club or group interested in Camp ASCCA and my presentations can be tailored to your specific needs. For more information, please email: allison@campascca.org

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