Today was the last day of Camp for not only campers of session 6, but also many staff. Many are saying tearful goodbyes as this was their last day here at ASCCA for the summer.
Many of our staff are saying final goodbyes to not only the campers but also their friends they have made throughout this summer. Being here at ASCCA for the many weeks at a time make you feel like family.
This week we are also telling Barclay Bentley, the director of food services, goodbye. He has decided to go back to school to further his education. He will be dearly missed as he has spent 7 summers here at Camp ASCCA and 4 of those as full time staff.
Tonight as I glanced around the room during the goodnight song everyone was joined hand in hand. The love in that room tonight was like none other. The love that campers show you here at ASCCA is none other but “real love”.
So with this blog, I leave you with my final thoughts of my first summer here at Camp ASCCA. If you have followed along all summer you have heard me tell many stories that will forever be in my memory, stories about accomplishment, and love.
Camp ASCCA is a place like no other. The only way that I can find to describe it is “the most magical place on earth”. It is a place where everyone is accepted, and there is no such answer as “no”. Everyone is always encouraging each other and never giving up. Camp ASCCA welcomes everyone with open arms and never thinks twice about it.
All throughout the summer I have heard parents tell stories how their kids would not even go to anyone else, but they came to ASCCA and now they will go to anyone. I have also heard that they are now a lot more independent and have learned how to do a lot for themselves. For many the answer I heve heard from most is “this is a place where they can come and just be themselves and no one ever thinks twice about it”.
The love that I have felt at ASCCA this summer is undescribable. I thank God everyday for my time here, the memories that I will never forget, the friendships that I will forever have, and the knowledge I have gained.
I hope to be back at ASCCA next summer and if I am I will be counting down the days just like most of the campers do all year!
Cannot wait to see everyone next summer and thank you for such an awesome summer that will forever be with me!
-Abby Brown
Session 6