“Let me win,
but if I cannot win,
let me be
brave in the attempt
— Special Olympics Athlete Oath —
In honor of the Special Olympic World Games being this week we have made this week all about the spirt of the Special Olympics.

Tonight we held our very own Special Olympic games here at Camp ASCCA and we all dressed the part. We wore red, white and blue from head to toe chanting for our own team as we fought for the gold. Each team was a combination of 1 boy cabin and 1 girl cabin.

The teams were:

Crow and Moundville
Choctaw and Chickasaw
Cheaha and Creek

Each team competed in 5 events: swimming, discus, hockey, figure skating and interpretive dance/gymnastics. They all did so good and had so much fun!

My favorite was the interpretive dance/gymnastics portion. During this event each team had 1 minute to come up with a routine to dance to a song of the judges choice and to choose their teams dance attire from the costume table. I was very impressed with their costume choices and impromptu dance skills…. I gave them all a 10, but I wasn’t an official judge.

After each team performed an event they were given a score by the official judges and moved on to the next event. At the end of the night we had a grand award ceremony where the bronze, silver and GOLD medals were presented. Crow/Moundville received the Bronze medal, Choctaw/Chickasaw won the silver medal and D-A-V-I-S (Davis Cabin is the best) brought home the GOLD!

Win or lose all of our campers and staff had a great time at the Camp ASCCA Olympics! Don’t forget to check Flickr for more pictures of this week and especially for our Olympics pictures.

-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
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