Since Covid-19 struck we have had to adapt and adjust to a lot of changes at Camp ASCCA. We miss spending the summer with our friends, but we know that being apart during this time was for the best. Even though we aren’t getting to experience Camp the normal way we still wanted everyone to feel as if they were there.
Yesterday we had our first-ever virtual camp day. It was so much fun and we can’t believe its already over. It was full of activities and even a concert with our good friends The Red Clay Strays. Everyone was split into teams for the activities. They were set up competition style and the winner of each activity was given a certain amount of points. We started the competition with Arts and Crafts where everyone made rounders. After Arts and Crafts came archery. Archery took a lot of concentration in order to hit the balloons. Kickball came next and man was it a tough game. The field was wet and slippery so it was hard for some people to keep their balance. It was a close game but as always there was a winner. The last competition of the day was banana boating. This activity was so much fun and a great way to cool down after being in the sun all day. The goal of banana boating was to see who could hang on the longest.

After all of the competitions we were able to relax and dance the night away with a concert thanks to The Red Clays Strays. It was such a fun night and they did a fantastic job. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day. We hope you all enjoyed the virtual camp day as much as we did. We miss you and we love you. ‘Til things get right.
Click here to watch the livestream of the concert.