Visitors at ASCCA!

We had many visitors here at ASCCA today including current and past board members and representatives from Rotary clubs across the state. The clubs that visited us today include both Montgomery Sunrise and Sunset, Tuskeegee, Brundidge, Dothan, Opelika, and Anniston. The current Rotary District 6880 Governor also visited us, and he is one of our new board members!

Since today was ASCCApalooza for our campers and staff, we had free choice activities open this morning instead of our usual activity rotations. While touring our guests, they could see campers on the splash pad, playing in the game room, canoeing, on the putt putt course, riding the boat, in arts & crafts, or riding horseback. Also Sports Camp was in the pool learning how to SCUBA dive and our visitors could watch them from the porch of the pavilion.

Our visitors stayed for lunch with our campers and staff. Brundidge members even gave a surprise visit to a camper they know. We had our visitors join in on our dancing after each meal to Jump On It as well. Our board members stayed after lunch for a meeting, and the Rotarians hung around to chat with each other and our staff.

We said goodbye to most of our visitors after lunch and the meeting, but a few stayed long enough to catch a glimpse of ASCCApalooza. Make sure to check our Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for our ASCCApalooza photos and videos that will we will be posting soon!

April Garrett, PR

Camp ASCCA 2017

Session 3

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