Our special guests have arrived! We have visitors from Beijing, China joining us for camp activities. They were supposed to arrive on Sunday night, but after a delayed flight, they got here yesterday around lunch. We are so glad they are finally here to enjoy all that camp has to offer.
Employees from the Beijing Sport University Adaptive Sports Department brought three campers with them year, David, Rocky, and Ghost. This is our fifth year of having a relationship with the university and the third year they have brought campers.
We also welcome an alumni staff member Alli Ownby and her fiancé Richard Marion who are here for a few days to help get the visitors settled and translate for us.

Yesterday, our visitors participated in the sports & games and arts & crafts activity rotations. For arts & crafts, we were joined by artist B’Beth Weldon again this summer for painting. They really loved painting with her, and it was a great way to start their stay at ASCCA.
After they were done painting, the campers also enjoyed our sensory bubble tube in the arts & crafts room.

We are so glad to welcome our visitors from Beijing, and be sure keep up with our Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates on the rest of this week here at ASCCA!
April Garrett, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 6