Wacky Mornings at Camp ASCCA

Good Morning from Camp ASCCA!

Every morning before breakfast we all gather at the flag pole for the flag-raising, but this morning it was even better! Todays camp theme is Wacky Tacky Day and everyone was dressed the part. These outfits break every fashion rule with plaid, stripes, polka-dots, floral, neon colors, tutus, crazy socks… Camp ASCCA is stylin’ and profilin’ today!

Especially our flag crew, Redstick and Creek. They did an amazing job and showed their camp spirit by dressing up for Wacky Tacky Day! Thank you Redstick and Creek for starting our morning off right here at Camp ASCCA.

Daniel Ricketts and his counselor Marquis Russell raised our flag and Daniel led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The morning quote was read to us by Lorie Williams.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world

cannot be seen or even touched.

They must be felt with the heart.”

-Helen Keller

The joke of the day was given by the Birthday Girl April Green.

What is Black and What and Red all over?


A newspaper!

Flag-raising is a fun time for all of the cabins and campers. It gives them responsibilities and encourages leadership. We are so proud of Creek and Redstick they did an Awesome job this morning.

For the latest Camp ASCCA fashion trends check out our Flickr.

-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015

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