Wacky Wednesday

Today was a Wacky Wednesday… just like the Dr. Seuss book!
It all started when Davids Lodge did flagraising this morning. They looked a little different this morning. They had fish painted on their faces and when they talked they talked in riddles.

As the day went on I kept noticing wacky things.
At lunch we didn’t have love notes and that’s just not normal.
Then there was Thunder at canoeing and thats just not right. So we left the thunder at canoeing and went to the pavilion. When we got there we found the program staff pretending to be Hollywood Stars.

Wacky Wednesday continued on to dinner when we had our pizza party. We got there to find a special pizza for our new member to the ASCCA staff, Alex. The kitchen staff made a pizza with noodles, cheese sauce, potatoes, etc.

Talking about a WACKY WEDNESDAY… Right!

As always its been a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA. We will see if everything goes back to normal tomorrow…

-Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015

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