Welcome Home Mobile Rotary!

Staff were lined up on both sides of ASCCA Road this afternoon anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Mobile Rotary campers.

We were all excited to see those 3 buses come down the road because that meant Session 5 had officially began! We welcomed our campers by cheering for them as they drove up and then ran to the parking lot to help them unload the buses.

As soon as we got all the campers unloaded we seperated them into their cabins so they could meet their counselors for the week and then we headed to dinner. After dinner half of the camp went to the POOL PARTY and the other half went to BINGO NIGHT.

It has been an exciting day for both campers and staff, but we are exhausted! So we have to say Goodnight so we can be fully rested for our first full day of camp adventures.

Just because all of you are at home and not at camp with us this week, don’t feel left out. You can join in on all the fun through our blogs and pictures on Flickr!

As always it has been a Great day here at Camp ASCCA!

Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Mobile Rotary Session 5

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