Welcome Nurse Joe!

Hello, my name is Joe Spavone, and I am a Registered Nurse from Newnan, Georgia. Now, few people can remember how to pronounce or spell my last name, so just call me “Nurse Joe.” I am Camp ASCCA’s new Director of Health Services.

I have spent the last three years as a charge nurse on a busy med-surg unit at Tanner Medical Center, in Carrollton, GA, and, teaching CNA students at West Georgia Technical College in Lagrange. Before nursing school, I spent many years scrubbing for an orthopedic surgeon. I am an orthopedic technologist. I served in the Georgia state military for four years, and had many adventures there. I have done some camp nursing in Pennsylvania during my first summer out of nursing school in 2008. I have an awesome and amazing wife, Debra, who is also a nurse. This year is our 25th anniversary. We have raised three grown daughters. That is why I am bald. Debra and I love our new life together as empty nesters.

The last month has been a whirlwind of newness for me and my family. I was privileged to become the new Director of Health Services here at Camp ASCCA on January 3, 2011. Debra and I have decided to maintain two homes, one here at Camp ASCCA, and the other at Newnan.

Camp Nursing is now a recognized nursing specialty, and I am lucky enough to make it my career. I plan on being true to Camp ASCCA traditions and mission, while bringing some new ideas to the table. The Camp ASCCA family has been wonderful, and I thank all of you for the warm welcome.

Now you know a little about me, and, I hope you will drop by or call me any time and let me know I little about you. I am looking forward to meeting you!

Stay tuned for the further Adventures of Nurse Joe . . .

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