Welcoming the Mobile Rotary Campers

The Mobile Rotary bunch have arrived and are ready to enjoy the activities at Camp ASCCA! Each year, the Rotary Club of Mobile, AL would send excited campers to Camp ASCCA for a week for fun activities.

The Mobile Rotary group arrived at Camp ASCCA around 4:30pm on Sunday afternoon. About 50 to 60 staff members also came along to the trip to and from Mobile, helping out with luggage, transfers, and check-in. Those who sticked around at Camp ASCCA stood on the parking lot to welcome the campers & staff members on board the three coach buses.

After they got situated in their cabins and took pictures with their counselors, campers kicked off the week by joining in on two activities. Some went to the dining hall for Casino Night, where they played casino games (e.g., blackjack and roulette) in hopes of winning prizes. Another group of campers enjoyed their time at the pool party, splashing at each other and playing basketball in the water.

We’ll keep you posted on this session with more eye-cacthing blog posts througout the week. In the meantime, first day pictures are uploaded and ready for public viewing! You can find them on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page.

T.J. Gordon
Session 5

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