Welcoming visitors from abroad

This past Sunday through Thursday we had four visitors stay with us here at Camp ASCCA. Former Camp ASCCA Board Chair and current Board member Dr. Glenn Roswal invited and hosted three guests from Beijing, China.

Dr. Roswal has taught health, physical education and recreation at Jacksonville State University for many years. He is now retired, but is probably busier than ever. He has been involved with Special Olympics, as well as similar organizations, on a global level and is currently visiting China quite often.

When Dr. Roswal met Dr. Lu “Lucy” Yan and her son Han “Hans” Xiao he knew they would eventually have to travel across the world to visit Camp ASCCA in person. Lucy, who is a professor at Beijing Sport University, and Hans are interested in developing a camp for people with disabilities in China. Ms. Li “Wei” Wei also joined in on the trip serving as a translator for the group (she’s an English teacher at the university).

The group spent the week touring the facilities and met daily with our Administrator and Camp Director. They got to watch every program offered and even experienced a few as well such as the waterslide and tubing!

We look forward to a long relationship with our Chinese friends and while they work on starting their own camp, we hope to work out a special summer camp session next year that involves bringing a few campers with special needs over from Beijing! Stay tuned!

Gānggāng guòqù de zhège zhōu rì zhì zhōu sì, wǒmen bùdé bù, sìfāng láikè hé wǒmen dāi zài yīqǐ yíng ASCCA zhèlǐ. Qián yíng ASCCA dǒngshìhuì zhǔxí hé dǒngshìhuì chéngyuán de gé lún Roswal bóshì yāoqǐng hé jiēdàile láizì zhōngguó běijīng de sān wèi jiābīn.

Roswal bóshì céng rèn jiào duōnián de jiékèxùn wéi’ěr zhōulì dàxué jiànkāng, tǐyù hé xiūxián. Tā xiànzài tuìxiūle, dàn kěnéng shì bǐ yǐqián gèng máng. Tā zēng shēn yǔ tè ào, yǐjí lèisì de zǔzhī, zài quánqiú fànwéi nèi, mùqián jīngcháng fǎngwèn zhōngguó.

Dāng bóshì Roswal huìjiàn lú yīshēng “lù xi” yàn hé tā de ér zǐ hàn “hàn sī” xiāo, tā zhīdào tāmen zuìzhōng huì zài shìjiè gèdì lǚxíng, qīnzì fǎngwèn yíng ASCCA zài. Lù xi, shì zài běijīng tǐyù dàxué jiàoshòu, hé hàn sī zài kāifā yīgè zhènyíng de rén zài zhōngguó cánjí rén quányì. Li nǚshì “wèi wěi yě jiārù jiùxíngle zuòwéi yīgè fānyì zǔ (tā shì zài dàxué de yīngyǔ lǎoshī).

Gāi xiǎozǔ huāle yīzhōu lǚyóu shèshī, bìng huìjiànle měitiān wǒmen de guǎnlǐ yuán hé yíng zhǔrèn. Tāmen guānkànle měi yīgè kèchéng, shènzhì jīnglìle jǐ yǐjí zhūrú huá shuǐ hé yóuguǎn!

Wǒmen qídàizhuó chángqí de hézuò guānxì yǔ wǒmen de zhōngguó péngyǒu, bìng kāishǐ zìjǐ de zhènyíng, ér tāmen de gōngzuò, wǒmen xīwàng zhìdìng chū yīgè tèshū de xiàlìngyíng huìhuà míngnián, shèjí cóng běijīng dài láile yīxiē yǒu tèshū xūyào de lùyíng! Jìng qǐng guānzhù!

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