What’s the Deal With Honor Cabin?

By Megan Wright
Session 4

With the Olympics starting this week, everyone was feeling the competitive spirit in the air. However here at Camp ASCCA, we compete for a paddle and pride instead of medals and world-wide recognition. What is it exactly that we compete for? Honor Cabin. Honor Cabin is the title given away every Thursday to the best cabin of the week. With 9-10 cabins in the running, campers and counselors alike strive to get perfect scores and bonus points to acquire the much sought-after honor cabin paddle.

How does one achieve this prestigious prize? Each cabin’s score is determined by a combination of the cabin’s cleanliness (judged on a daily basis), decorations, cohesiveness, participation, and general spirit. Some cabins even tempt the head counselors, usually unsuccessfully, with treats to try to sweeten their scores.

So far the winners from this summer have been Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cherokee. However, tonight we added a new cabin to this list: Cheaha. The boys in Cheaha this week were truly outstanding. Not only did their cabin look clean and festive, the guys were a true team. During the Olympics program on Wednesday night, all the guys in Cheaha dressed in black with sweat bands and bandanas to represent their unity as a cabin and as a team.

Tonight our head counselors, Kayla and Cody, handed over the gold, Olympic-themed paddle to the ecstatic residents of Cheaha just before the dance started. Needless to say, the win put an extra jump in Cheaha’s jive and they, along with the rest of camp, had a fantastic last night here at camp.

See our Session Four album on Facebook to see some recap pictures from the week. To see all of our pictures (including tonight’s), check in on our Flickr!

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