Wheelchair Basketball

This afternoon, our sports campers got a lesson in motivation, athleticism, and ability. Campers learned about the importance of advocating for and creating possibilities for themselves in areas such as athletics in their schools and universities. With the help of several Auburn University students, grads, athletes, our sports campers also enjoyed an afternoon of wheelchair basketball.

Campers went through each step of the training process: getting familiar with the sports chair, controlling the chair, guarding the opponent, passing, dribbling, and shooting. Our teams completed many drills to get warmed up and ready for play – including games with and against their counselors.

The final step in the process was a scrimmage game between our two teams. Most everyone picked up quickly and each camper was given a chance to try out a sports chair for the game, even our campers who don’t use wheelchairs on a regular basis.

It was a great afternoon of learning and fun. There was so much talent and potential out on the court today! I look forward to seeing how many of our campers join basketball teams throughout next year!

On behalf of ASCCA sports camp, I’d like to say a special thanks to the guys who came out to help us!

-Lyndsie McClure
Session Three

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