“Whenever You Remember”

When you think of prom a couple of things may come to your mind: Dresses, Tux’s, Dancing, Music, and Laughter. The prom here at Camp ASCCA is no different! This Week has been nothing but amazing for everyone. “Do not take the small things for granted, for one day they could be the things that mean most.” This quote was put in the love note box tonight and i think it sums up the week perfectly.

As campers started to leave the cabins to enter the dining hall their faces glowed with joy and happiness. As they waited in line to have pictures taken they got to admire how beautiful the dining hall was decorated, but the most beautiful thing about tonight was watching the campers dance the night away and have the time of their life.

After dinner, awards for the week were given out. Awards were given out for Best Female Camper of the week, Anna Wilson. Best Male Campers of the week, Jercolbie Bradford. Best Counselor of the week, Lucas Orr. Best Program Staff of the week, Edmund Semmes. And cabin of the week, Chickasaw. There were also awards given out to the most standout camper in each program during the week. The tables were then moved after awards and the dance floor was then opened for all the campers and counselor to dance the night away.

The prom then came to an end and it was time to crown Prom King and Queen. Josepf Wasson was named Prom King and Noel Johnson was named Prom Queen. This is an award that is voted on by all the staff and campers. We had a lot of people running for prom king and queen this year and each and every one of them are king and queens in our eyes. After the crowing of king and queen there were cheers, hugs, smiles, and even tears were shed of joy.

After the slideshow had been watched, and it was time for all the campers to head back to cabins to bed there were tears being shed by almost everyone in the room. When I see this it reminds me what really matters in the end and is so rewarding! This was by far the best Teen Week!! I had a blast getting to know all the campers and cannot wait to see them all back next year! 🙂

-Abby Brown
Session 3

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