Tonight was girls night! The unit leaders, program staff, and counselors all got together to think of the perfect way to celebrate the young women joining us during session 3! They all decided on decorating cupcakes, painting nails, laying down to relax, dancing, and writing promposal posters for the guys!
Girls wanted in to see decorations throughout Lion’s Lodge and went straight to the cupcake station! Girls could get chocolate or vanilla cupcakes and decorate with purple, blue, vanilla, and chocolate icing and all sorts of sprinkles! Next to the cupcake station was an ice cream station! Program staff employees served girls vanilla or chocolate icing with their choice of toppings. There was also chips and dip, watermelon, cookies, and animal crackers for the girls that didn’t want ice cream or cupcakes.

As campers ate their snacks, they got their fingers and toes done by counselors and program staff employees. There were many different types of colors to choose between! The most popular was the hot pink. Some campers even gave painting their counselor’s finger nails a try for fun!

There was also a station with a few beds prepared for campers that wanted to get out of their wheel chairs and relax with friends around them! It was the perfect combination of comfort and socializing. Right next to this station was space for girls to write posters for their sweet camp crushes to properly ask them to the prom. Girls laughed as they tried thinking of clever sayings to make their promposals!

Group pictures were taken throughout the night of every girl cabin. The unit leaders, program staff, and counselors decorated the back wall for every cabin so that group pictures could be taken! There was also a photo booth placed on top of the stage that girls could also take their pictures in front of.

The night was a blast! The girls exclaimed that this was the best way to spend the night before the prom. There was sweets, pampering, and socializing– a girls paradise! Be sure to check out our Flickr for more pictures of the fun!
Camp ASCCA 2017
Karla Silva, PR
Session 3