Woohoo, it’s Session 2!

Today marked the first day of Session 2. The summer is moving along, and we are excited to see what this week has in store! Check-in started and campers eagerly started rolling in excited to start their week! This is one of our largest weeks of the summer, and we are excited to kick things off!

Despite a slight rain delay, check-in breezed by. As campers arrived, they dropped off their luggage then headed to the dining hall to check-in. Then, they were off to meet their counselors and cabin mates!

After all of the campers arrived, everyone met at the dining hall to sing camp songs, take cabin pictures, and socialize with friends! Tonight turned out to have great weather and even better laughter!

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.

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