World Travelers

“Through travel I first
became aware of the outside world;
it was through travel that I found my own
introspective way into becoming a part of it.”
— Eudora Welty —

Nín hâo! (Hello) from China!

Our grand adventure of traveling the world is coming to a close! It has been a great week of learning about new cultures, trying new things and meeting new people!

China Day Menu
Breakfast: White Rice, Eggs, Toast, Bacon
Lunch: Sweet and Sour Chicken sandwich, peas, chips
Dinner: Sweet and Sour Chicken, Rice, Stir Fry Vegetables, Orange Cake

The best part of today was that we had our Chinese group to experience China day with. We are honored to have them come visit us for 2 weeks in the summer. This is the 2nd summer that our Chinese friends have gotten to come to camp and we are so glad that they have become part of our Camp ASCCA family.

This year the group from China brought 4 campers and their families.

Superman (Chaoren)- Age 10
Gloria (Shen Xue Zhen)- Age 15
Ghost (Yang Yang)- Age 14
Samuel (SenSen)- Age 16

Gloria is a returning camper from last year… she was also the Girl Camper of the Week! We are so glad to have Gloria back this summer and we are glad she brought new friends this summer, so they can fall in love with Camp ASCCA too!

Today has been a great day celebrating the traditions of China, getting to know more about our new friends from China and dancing the night away with our best friends!

Thank you Session 6 for traveling around the world with us this week. I hope you had as much fun as we did! The beauty of traveling is that you don’t just bring back pictures and souvenirs, you bring home memories that will last a lifetime with friends that turned into family!

As always it has been a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!

Check Flickr for pictures of our Traveling Adventures and Dance pictures!

Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015

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