Your Love Will Live within my Heart!

“I owned every second that this world could give
I saw so many places, the things that I did…”
– One Republic –

The summer song this year was “I Lived” by One Rebublic. The lyrics of this song express the hope that life is lived to the fullest and that there isn’t an opportunity not taken because of the fear of failing or fear of stepping out of the comfort zones that we set for ourselves. In the end we should be able to say we lived, that we did everything and saw everything we possibly could.

This summer we did it all… I can truly say WE LIVED!

It is crazy how a place can go from being an unfamiliar place full of strangers to a place that is home surrounded by family that you couldn’t imagine life without.

It has been an absolutely amazing summer that has transformed my view of the world. I have met the most talented, loving and inspiring people this summer. Whether it be campers or staff, you all have taught me so much about how life is suppose to be lived… selflessly and with unconditional love.

There is a sign that is placed at the front of the dining hall. It reads, “Because our days here are filled with so much love and laughter…This will always be a Magical Place!”

Camp ASCCA is a magical place where everyone is accepted for who they are without a second glance or any questions.

It will always be Home!
“You will never be completely home again, because part of your heart always will be elsewhere.
That is the price you pay for the richness of loving people in more than one place.”
As the Goodnight song says “For Camp ASCCA and all our friends will live within our hearts.”
It isn’t a Goodbye, but simply a see ya later.

As always it is a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA.

Sara Shea, PR
Thanks for the Memories
Camp ASCCA 2015

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