Zipline Achievements

Several groups of adventurous Session 5 Campers made their way out into the woods today for an exciting ride at the Zipline! A typical day at zipline goes something like this: Program Staff give a quick talk concerning safety and get the campers stoked! Campers are then equipped with harness, chest harness, and helmet. One at a time, each particpant makes their way up the zip platform and off they go! Any camper of any ability can zip safely at Camp ASCCA!

As I have observed this process throughout the summer, one part always stands out (other than the actual zipping of course!)…and that is the climb to the top of the zip platform. Campers are attached to a belay and have the option to hoist themselves from the bottom of the zip platform, all the way to the top! No easy task! When a camper makes it to the top the sense of achievement can be felt between both camper and staff. It truly is a special moment. Applause to all campers for their amazing effort and determination! The exhilarating zip makes it all worthwhile.

Check out more photos from today’s zipline adventure on Flickr!

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 5: 2015

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